
Helloooooooooooooooo Everybody!
Welcome back to school!
This year will be full of surprises, new things and more!

                       During this year you will be sharing classes with Mr. Ángel Gómez.

Resultado de imagen para welcome back to school anime

Don't you forget to thank God for all your blessings

Resultado de imagen para Lord's prayer

Resultado de imagen para 2017

Topics from September 1st to October 31st

Units 7-8-9

Resultado de imagen para futuro will

Resultado de imagen para futuro will

Resultado de imagen para futuro will

Resultado de imagen para futuro will


Resultado de imagen para Present perfect

Resultado de imagen para Present perfect

Resultado de imagen para Present perfect


Resultado de imagen para professions

Week from August 5th to  August 25th

Week from July 20th to August 5th
During this period  of time, we will be working on comparatives and superlatives as well as mythology.

Week from July 5th to 20th

Hello hello, my dear students, during these days we will be woriking on describing people and crime scenes

April 1st to 30th

This time we will be focusing on important facts, we will be working so much on listening and reading, therefiore, we will emphasize as well in our English festival.

This song has been one of the best listening practice we have had.

March 1st to 18th

During this 18 days we will be working on "Could for ability in the past, simple past, the vocabulary offered by the unit and speaking activities"


Hello, Hello my people... Hope to be working with you this year....

This time we are going to go back in the time...

Let's remember the first unit... this is about things we can find in a museum.

Do you like...

----------------- 2015 -----------------
My dear students, here is the final version of our roles for the English Festival

Grado 4
Loana (Vestido blanco)
Presenter: Loana: Hello everybody… Hope you are enjoying our festival. Fourth grade wants to talk to you about Ireland, so many important aspects we would like you to know. My classmates are going to tell you. Now we need all your attention. With you my friend Tomás.

Tomás: (Pantalón verde, camisa blanca, zapatos negros y correa negra) Hello my beautiful audience, today I will tell you some things about Ireland, The Irish country has a lot of things to offer you… Let me tell you that Ireland is one of the biggest islands in the european continent, you may say that is not interesting to live here because of that, but you will regret of that if you know about this beautiful country. People here are so great and friendly, I won’t tell you anything more… You have to come here!

Silvia: (Vestido verde) (mirando a Tomás) Hey… My friend… I want to tell more things about our great country. Here, in Ireland you can find delicious food (mostrar comida), Our Weather is great, it does not go to any extrem, it is not very hot and it’s not very cold, simply, cool… Ireland has many things to offer the World. All our stories have passed over the continents, our flag is now very known and our legends and myths now are part of the goblal culture.

The ShamRock (Trébol)
Luisa: (Vestido verde) (Mostrando un trébol) The shamrock is one of the most representative simbols we have in our country, it was born in Saint Patrick’s times when he could take the whole country to become Christian, therefore, He saved our country from the snakes that invaded us. We, as good citizens know those stories.
(Juanse y Daniel estarán lanzando tréboles alrededor de Luisa brincando)

Juanse: (Camisa verde y Pantalón blanco y zapatos negros) Yeah Luisa. The shamrock was something given by Saint Patrick, The three leafed shamrock means the conformation of GOD, the father, the son and the holy spirit. Perhaps, you had wondered this before, so now you have your answer. (Luisa y Daniel van a hacer como si estuviesen orando arrodillados y haciéndose la señal de la cruz)

Daniel: (Camisa verde y Pantalón blanco, zapatos negros) You’re right my friend, This simbol is now part of our culture, everybody can associate this with our wonderful country, as well as the Green color, the elfs and more things. Also people associate the Shamrock with good or bad luck, depending on the leaves it has, it means that If once you find out a five-leafed shamrock you will be very lucky, but do not worry about looking for them, they will find you some day. (Se Muestran imágenes de los duendes proyectadas en el video beam)
(Juanse y Luisa se van a acercar al Video Beam y van a señalar la proyección del duende)

The Rainbow:
Gaby: (Vestido verde una balaca o bincha que tenga varios colores para hacer referencia al arcoíris, zapatos negros) The Rainbow exists all over the world but for Ireland it has something special, Irish people link this with the elfs and some other things. It is said that at the end of the rainbows people can find a precious treasure, but my Friend Maria Lucía is going to talk to you about that. With you my classmate Lucy. (Mientras Gaby está hablando Lucy y Vicky van a estar mostrando y repartiendo monedas de chocolate, en caso de estar en la tarima pueden lanzarlas cuidadosamente)

Lucy: (Vestido verde) Yes, Gaby. It is said that at the end of the rainbow people can find a pot with Golden coins, this is something real worthy for the elfs, that’s why they hide it so far because it is really difficult to find the place where the rainbow ends… (Se toca la cabeza) I wonder… what can I do with all that gold? I will surely travel all over the world… (Se ríe jajajaja). (Mientras Lucy habla, Vicky y Gaby

Vicky: (Vestido verde) (Mirando a Lucy) My dear Lucy… My grandparents told me that the elfs do not give their treasure to anybody unless they can see something special in them, My grandpa told me that once but I did not understand... He told me that I would get it once I am older, I think now I have got it. It must be your heart! (Mostrando la olla de oro con las monedas de chocolate, Lucy y Gaby se van a acerca a Vicky para que les den monedas, Lucy va a poner cara de niña mala y Gaby cara de angelito, por lo tanto, Vicky le va a dar monedas a Gaby)
Lucy y Gaby: Oh sure! That sounds so true, Gaby :D

Andrés: (Saint Patrick): (Disfraz de sacerdote, debe llevar color verde, un bastón) I had a difficult life, I lost my family, I was sold as a slaver to pirates when I was so Young, I had to work so hard, I suffered a lot but once I Heard a voice that said to me that I had to run off, something big was waiting for me… Ireland was waiting for me.
(Mientras Andrés habla, Samuel, Lucas y Sergio estará caminando alrededor de St Patrick como si se estuvieran riendo pero en mudo)

Samuel: (Pirata, cualquier disfraz de pirata serviría para la representación, sería bueno el parche en uno de los ojos y un gorro de pirata) Saint Patrick was kidnapped by us, he had to work for us but he could run off one day. He said that he had a mission, God had talked to him in dreams…(Sergio y Lucas van a tomar a Andrés como si lo estuviese secuestrando y caminan con él)

 Sergio: (Pirata, cualquier disfraz de pirata serviría para la representación, sería bueno el parche en uno de los ojos y un gorro de pirata) some years later, we all could listen to the name PATRICK everywhere, that man who served to us as a slaver had become famous for his learnings about God.

Lucas: (Pirata, cualquier disfraz de pirata serviría para la representación, sería bueno el parche en uno de los ojos y un gorro de pirata) hahahaha… Patrick was like a pope for Ireland, everybody was a fan of him, everybody respected they way he preached and he finally got all people involved in the christianity.

The Flag
Salma: (Vestido verde) The irish flag is composed by three vertical bars. The orange bar means the protestants in Ireland, the Green represent the catholic people and the White color means the peace that is coming in the nation. The peace represents the coexistence between these two religions. (Andrea señala los colores de la bandera uno por uno mientras Salma habla)

Andrea: (Vestido Blanco) Mirando a Salma: My friend Salma… There is also a story that says the color of the irish flag also are a representation of the tipical irish people, the orange is the color of the hair, the White color means the skin and the Green one is the color of the eyes. (Se proyecta una fotografía de una persona irlandesa para mostrar sus rasgos físicos)

Maria Paz: (Vestido Naranja) You’re right my dear friends. The irish flag is something interesting, it was changed two times throughout the time but after all those changes it was finally set as the one we know today, and it means what you have already said to this beautiful audience.

Juliana: (Vestido verde mostrando la bandera de Irlanda) Thank you very much for your attention, this was fourth grade, we are glad because you are here with us. Have a great night
Cuando termine el acto, todos los estudiantes se agarran de las manos y hacen la venia dando gracias al público por su atención, dirán. Thank you very much.

-       Nota: Los vestidos no necesariamente tienen un modelo en específico, lo importante es que sea del color estipulado y que sea largo

Week from 

Hello everybody... Hope you're doing well...
This time I would like you to practice about Ordinal numbers so that we need to keep on remembering them...

Hello my dear students...
We are about to celebrate the English Festival in our school, this is one of the most important celebrations here. These are our assignments.


Hello... Hello my buddies, hope you're doing well, enjoying this week dedicated to the health.

This time we will be focusing on...

Most spectacular places around the world


Hello my talkative kids, we are back! Hope you have had an excellent weekend. This time we are going to be working on...

Reading Strategies

My talkative angels, hope you're really fine. I want you to do it really well at the English second term exam.

Here I post you the topics to study.

1. Comparatives and superlatives
2. Should and shouldn't
3. Be going to
4. Present continuous
5. Any and some
6. Would you like...?


Hello again my students... This time we will be working on...

Hello my dear angels, your English teacher is here again bringing you new things... this time we will be working on...

Hello, hello again my people, This time we will be working on...





Note that:
  • The auxiliary verb would is invariable. There is only one form: would
  • The main verb is usually in the base form (He would go).
Look at the basic structure again, with positive, negative and question sentences:
notmain verb

FOLCLORIC DANCES IN EACH COUNTRY: Enter to this link, please.


Hello, Hello again my dear students, hope you have taken advantage of your time off, this week we are going to be working hard this time.

Going to



El verbo modal "used to" se emplea para indicar algo que ocurría o sucedería en el pasado de manera habitual. También, se utiliza para algo que antes era verdad pero ya no lo es. Como con los otros verbos modales, "used to" está seguido por la forma base del verbo (el infinitivo sin "to").

Structure (Estructura)

  1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas)
    EstructuraSujeto + "used to" + verbo...
    • Ejemplos:
    • We used to go to the beach every summer when I was young. (Cuando era joven solíamos ir a la playa cada verano.)
    • He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but he quit last year. (Solía fumar un paquete de cigarrillos al día, pero lo dejé el año pasado.)
    • used to like mushrooms, but not anymore. (Me solían gustar las setas, pero ya no.)
    • There used to be a great restaurant here, but it closed a few years ago. (Había un gran restaurante aquí, pero cerró hace unos años.)

Hello again my little angels, This coming week you are having the English exam of the first term, I expect you to do your best at this and get excellent results.


My Little buddies hope you are fine. This time, I want you to take advantage of the time so that this week will be taken to make a review about everything. Use the same videos and activities we have been working, they are really useful to practice.
Week From March 16 to 20

 Hello my dear students, there are the topics we have worked on this week.
Week from march 9th to 13

Food/ My breakfast
Let me congratulate you because this week you did a very good job.

Remember, it is important to eat healthy food because we all are growing up...

Take a look at the reflexive pronouns
It is important to remember that we use these pronouns when we do an action and the same action happens to us.
 SHE LOOKS HERSELF IN THE MIRROR = Ella se mira en el espejo

Should and shouldn't are used to give pieces of advice to people.

Internal and external parts of the body

Week from March 2nd to 6th
Hello Again my little kids, with the following  video you will have the chace to practice what we have been studying...

You also have something about professions and occupations

Do not forget to eat well, take a look at the following food

Week from March 23 to 27 Hello my dear students. Hope you are fine today. I want you to remember everyday what we are working on...
This is the time for the adjectives and the comparative form.
 Look and listen carefully to the video.
The pictures below the video are to remember and practice.

Mr .Ángel Gómez